Dalmura edit / delete

"My present focus is documenting amplifiers of Australian origin and sympathetically restoring them - often as a guitar and/or bass amplifier, but sometimes as original." Also a bit on Selmer electronic organs.

to amp australia electronics music organ retrotech ... on 21 June 2020

Radio Netherlands Receiver Shopping List edit / delete

Via the Internet Archive. This varied a bit over time.

to electronics hf radio receiver review ... on 10 November 2019

Welcome to the Scanimate Site - history of computer animation - early analog computers - edit / delete

The analogue video synthesiser used for a wide variety of TV animation in the 1970s and 80s.

to animation electronics retrotech scanimate tv video ... on 31 July 2019

PALsite - The home of the PAL video system edit / delete

Sections for early video formats: Betamax, Betacam, U-matic and Video 2000. Lots of information about the formats and the machines.

to betacam betamax electronics retrotech umatic vcr video video2000 ... on 26 July 2019

BetaInfoGuide Homepage edit / delete

A very comprehensive guide to Betamax hardware.

to betamax electronics retrotech video ... on 26 July 2019

Technical Instructions edit / delete

Documentation for a wide range of BBC-designed equipment.

to audio bbc electronics retrotech video ... on 17 July 2019

NEC uPD6102G datasheet edit / delete

The chip used (or at least carefully emulated) by Pioneer's laserdisc remote controls. This datasheet explains the timings of the protocol.

to electronics ir laserdisc remote retrotech ... on 17 July 2019

stb-tester : A post-mortem report on the stb-tester ONE's infrared transmitter reliability edit / delete

Why FTDI chips don't work reliably for IR (sadly).

to electronics ftdi ir lirc remote ... on 17 July 2019

Albert's FTDI IR receiver / transmitter edit / delete

The FTDI IR patches I contributed to many years ago. These are all now in lirc with various extensions (at least one of which broke the chip I originally used!).

to electronics ftdi ir lirc remote ... on 17 July 2019

Speakeasy Vintage Music ยป Speakeasy Legacy Support edit / delete

Circuit diagrams and manuals for various Speakeasy products.

to audio electronics hammond organ ... on 05 January 2019

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