[ih] early networking: "the solution" edit / delete

Jack Haverty on the invention of the IPv4 checksum algorithm.

to checksum history ip networking ... on 17 October 2024

research!rsc: Running the “Reflections on Trusting Trust” Compiler edit / delete

With analysis of the surprisingly short source code.

to backdoor bell-labs compiler history retrocomputing security unix ... on 26 October 2023

The Mystery of the Bloomfield Bridge edit / delete

Answering a seemingly trivial question, with a lesson about research.

to amusements history research transport ... on 29 August 2023

beggars-opera: I don’t know if I can contain... edit / delete

"A Christmas Carol covers 60 years of fashion through flashbacks and they still manage to do nearly everything right."

to amusements fashion history muppets ... on 10 December 2020

ENIGMA M4 - Breaking German Navy Ciphers edit / delete

Results of the project that was breaking Enigma messages found in a sunken U-Boot.

to crypto enigma history ww2 ... on 22 September 2020


Stories from an ex-Anglia and LWT broadcast sound person. Some great photos of events he worked on.

to anglia audio history lwt retrotech tv ... on 17 August 2020

Nostalgia for SS Jaguar & Pre-war Television edit / delete

"... the first Marconi/EMI television receivers and the Emitron Camera."

to camera emi history marconi retrotech tv video ... on 17 August 2020

bsdimp/mk211bsd: Scripts to mechanically recover 2.11BSD and create a git repo of all the deltas to the 2.11 branch. edit / delete

"Scripts to mechanically recover 2.11BSD and create a git repo of all the deltas to the 2.11 branch."

to bsd git history pdp11 retrocomputing ... on 25 July 2020

Paul Slade - Journalist edit / delete

"Here you'll find my guide to some of the world's most fascinating Murder Ballads, a series of Secret London's forgotten mysteries and, in the section I've cunningly titled Miscellany, anything else I damn well feel like including."

to ballads crime folk-song history london ... on 29 June 2020

1960s Fujigen-made Offset Electric Guitar edit / delete

This looks awfully similar to my "Custom" bass - the style of the neck in particular.

to custom guitar history instruments japan ... on 29 June 2020

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