bsdimp/mk211bsd: Scripts to mechanically recover 2.11BSD and create a git repo of all the deltas to the 2.11 branch. edit / delete

"Scripts to mechanically recover 2.11BSD and create a git repo of all the deltas to the 2.11 branch."

to bsd git history pdp11 retrocomputing ... on 25 July 2020

The EdgeBSD Project: About EdgeBSD edit / delete

Another NetBSD branch, using Git as the VCS. (It's not clear to me what the "desktop based on DeforaOS" thing is about...)

to bsd git netbsd operating-systems unix ... on 17 March 2015

dspinellis/unix-history-repo edit / delete

A merged Git repo containing the source history of Unix from the earliest C versions up to present-day BSD. Very neat!

to bsd git history retrocomputing unix ... on 18 January 2015

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