How I cut GTA Online loading times by 70% edit / delete

A nice example that combines reverse-engineering with some basic DS&A knowledge.

to algorithms cmp201 games gta performance reverse-engineering ... on 20 March 2021

Empire | the board game from Reed College edit / delete

"Empire is a turn-based eco­nom­ic and polit­i­cal (and very occa­sion­al­ly mil­i­tary) strat­e­gy board game, with roots going back to 1938, most­ly devel­oped in the 1960s and 70s by Reed College stu­dents in Portland, Oregon. It is com­plex and addic­tive, reward­ing care­ful long-range plan­ning, but at the same time it allows for free-form cre­ativ­i­ty (with the con­sen­sus of oth­er play­ers)."

to board-games economics empire games simulation ... on 06 July 2020

The Obsessively Complete Infocom Catalog edit / delete

"This site is my attempt to collect every single version of each Infocom game, both source code and compiled game files."

to games history if infocom retrocomputing ... on 29 June 2020

Apple II Ootw Demake edit / delete

"Out Of This World" ported to the Apple II.

to apple2 games retrocomputing ... on 29 June 2020

ORIGINALS – Cheapass Games edit / delete

Kill Doctor Lucky, and similar games.

to games tabletop ... on 21 June 2020

Friday Facts #317 - New pathfinding algorithm | Factorio edit / delete

Making A* more efficient for a complex map.

to astar cmp201 games pathfinding ... on 19 October 2019

The Story of Infocom edit / delete

Written for an MIT module. Some details I hadn't seen before.

to games history if infocom mit retrocomputing zork ... on 04 November 2018

The Mercenary Site edit / delete

I remember reading reviews of these 3D adventure games in Amiga magazines. Some day I ought to play some of them...

to 3d amiga games mercenary retrocomputing ... on 24 October 2018

The Golden Age Arcade Historian edit / delete

Along the lines of Jimmy Maher's site, but for arcade games. Sadly no new posts since 2016.

to games history retrocomputing ... on 24 October 2018

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