Gaffer On Games | Gaffer On Games edit / delete

Many of the articles here are about developing network game architectures and protocols; well worth reading through for CMP303/501 students.

to ag0907 games networking programming ... on 04 September 2018

'Adventure' downloads edit / delete

"David Kinder's guide to Adventure downloads at the Interactive Fiction Archive."

to adventure games if retrocomputing ... on 04 June 2018

Bitshifters Collective edit / delete

Demoscene group working on the BBC. Includes a port of Prince of Persia.

to acorn bbc demoscene games retrocomputing ... on 05 May 2018

Fiasco – Bully Pulpit Games edit / delete

"Fiasco is inspired by cinematic tales of small time capers gone disastrously wrong". Pretend Wizards did a one-shot of this; sounds well worth a try at some point!

to amusements games roleplay ... on 05 May 2018

chessprogramming - home edit / delete

Exactly what it says on the tin. Lots of useful historical information here; I came looking for details about MacHack.

to ai chess games its retrocomputing ... on 05 May 2018

Chess Computer UK edit / delete

From the earliest ones to the present. It's nice to see that people are now making replacement CPU boards for the older systems so you can use a more modern chess engine...

to chess electronics games retrocomputing ... on 22 April 2018

Sharp PC-1500 and TRS-80 PC-2 pocket computers resource page edit / delete

Large collection of games written for the one-line display.

to games pc1500 pocket retrocomputing software trs80 ... on 18 December 2017

The Tribes 2 Annoying Bastard Guide edit / delete

"Whenever a defender says "There he is AGAIN! Didn't we shoot that guy? Why isn't he dead?", that's a member of Team Annoying Bastard he's talking about." A classic from 2001.

to amusements games tribes ... on 02 December 2017

The Doom Wiki at - Doom, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, and more edit / delete

Exactly what you would expect for the title. Most of the content is about particular (fan-made) levels, but there's good stuff on the technology here too.

to 3d doom games id level-design retrocomputing ... on 07 October 2017

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1 + 2d
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1 + 3do
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3 + 6502
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