Historic card games described by David Parlett edit / delete

"These pages [...] present (a) histories of classic games such as Poker and Euchre and (b) details of historic games, such as Gleek and Quadrille, that are now only museum pieces." Lots of interesting stuff here.

to amusements card games history tabletop ... on 12 September 2017

Colossal Cave Adventure Map edit / delete

"My map is based on my perception of the Colossal Cave Adventure 350 point version game".

to adventure art games if map ... on 12 September 2017

Stunt Rally - a free rally racing game with editor edit / delete

"Stunt Rally is a racing game with rally style of driving, mostly on gravel."

to games software stunts to-package ... on 12 September 2017

Big Bear's Bulletin Board edit / delete

"These are the "Ramblings" of Bob Roberts and may not necessarily be the popular consensus, but rather things that have always worked for me, along with some "How to's" and ideas I have picked up on over my 40 years of fixin' coin-op stuff."

to arcade electronics games mechanica repair retrocomputing ... on 12 September 2017

Capstone Source Archive edit / delete

"On this page you can find the complete source code for the following games: Witchaven, Witchaven II, William Shatner's Tekwar, Corridor 8: Galactic Wars (prototype)". Unclear licensing, unfortunately.

to build-engine games retrocomputing source ... on 03 June 2017

ZakStunts v9.0 - Online Stunts / 4D Driving Competition and Resources edit / delete

Good old 4D Stunts Driving. When I first played this in the late 90s it was already an old game -- and people are still playing it competitively!

to games retrocomputing stunts ... on 13 May 2017

How Atlus fails fans of Persona 5 edit / delete

Or: how not to translate a game from Japanese to English. Makes essentially the same points as Douglas Hofstadter's "Le Tombeau de Marot". Also notable for having a rather nice CSS design with some fairly complex navigation that doesn't depend on Javascript abuse.

to games translation web-design ... on 13 May 2017

Magic Floor edit / delete

The same puzzle game ported to a whole load of different platforms (everything from the ZX81 to the PlayStation prototype).

to games retrocomputing software ... on 13 May 2017

Algorithms for making more interesting mazes edit / delete

Nicely related to graph algorithms. CMP201 students will probably find this interesting!

to algorithms cmp201 games graph maze ... on 06 April 2017

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