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'Adventure' downloads edit / delete
"David Kinder's guide to Adventure downloads at the Interactive Fiction Archive."
to adventure games if retrocomputing ... on 04 June 2018
Colossal Cave Adventure Map edit / delete
"My map is based on my perception of the Colossal Cave Adventure 350 point version game".
SynTax Adventure Magazine - hints, solutions, maps, reviews, news and information edit / delete
Initially ST-focussed. Interesting interviews.
to adventure atari etext if retrocomputing st zine ... on 26 February 2017
Creating Adventure Games On Your Computer edit / delete
Interesting to compare with the Usborne book. This was clearly written by someone who'd actually seen the Dungeon source, since it uses a "travel table" approach.
to adventure etext games if programming retrocomputing ... on 27 August 2016
:: CASA :: Pirate Byte edit / delete
"The December 1980 issue of Byte Magazine contained the full TRS-80 BASIC source code of Pirate Adventure, written by Mr. Scott Adams and his wife Alexis". Scans of the articles.
to adventure if retrocomputing scott-adams software source trs80 ... on 16 March 2016
Various "how to play arcade games" books; also includes Warren Robinett's history of 2600 Adventure, which is very interesting.
to 2600 adventure atari games history retrocomputing ... on 22 January 2016
Information about early home computer software -- mostly IF or adventure-game related, mostly American. Includes scans of feelies, etc.
to adventure games if retrocomputing ... on 20 November 2015
"You have arrived at the home of the game Multi-User Dungeon, or MUD, also known to former players on CompuServe as British Legends."
to adventure compuserve games if mud retrocomputing ... on 22 March 2015
The OS/8 Adventure Home Page edit / delete
Adventure for the PDP-8.
to adventure dec if pdp8 retrocomputing ... on 28 April 2014
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- adventure | |
2 | + 2600 |
2 | + ag0700 |
1 | + apple |
1 | + art |
3 | + atari |
1 | + compuserve |
2 | + cyoa |
1 | + dec |
2 | + etext |
1 | + fiction |
1 | + game |
11 | + games |
1 | + history |
12 | + if |
1 | + javascript |
1 | + map |
1 | + mud |
1 | + pdp8 |
2 | + programming |
1 | + python |
10 | + retrocomputing |
1 | + scott-adams |
2 | + software |
1 | + source |
1 | + st |
1 | + storytelling |
1 | + teaching |
1 | + text |
1 | + trs80 |
1 | + visualisation |
1 | + zine |
tasty by Adam Sampson.