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Teaching to read Haskell – Blog – Joachim Breitner's Homepage edit / delete
I generally find the idea of teaching code reading to be interesting...
to functional haskell programming reading-code teaching ... on 29 June 2020
An Analysis of Introductory Programming Courses at UK Universities edit / delete
Circa 2017 (I remember we responded to this).
to programming teaching ... on 29 June 2020
Teaching critical thinking | PNAS edit / delete
"In our study, students in the experiment condition were explicitly instructed to (and received grades to) quantitatively compare multiple collected datasets or a collected dataset and a model and to decide how to act on the comparisons." This would be an interesting way to teach performance measurement in CMP201...
to cmp201 critical-thinking science statistics teaching ... on 04 November 2018
Carol Kaye - Tips edit / delete
Carol Kaye's advice to bassists. Lots of good suggestions here.
to bass carol-kaye music teaching ... on 24 October 2018
profsjt: Is Haskell the right language for teaching functional programming principles? edit / delete
There's some good discussion in the comments here too. (I'm a graduate of SJT's Haskell course at Kent, and really liked the pure language... but there was a big step up from there to being able to use it for real-world programming.)
to functional haskell teaching ... on 10 December 2017
Imperial College London media library : APL demonstration 1975 edit / delete
Bob Spence demonstrates APL (basic operators, operator composition, function definition) in 1975. While I'm not sure I'd want to give a lecture using a teletype, the ability to scribble on the output with a biro is definitely useful!
to apl retrocomputing teaching ... on 15 November 2017
MCS 494, UNIX Security Holes, Fall 2004 edit / delete
Dan Bernstein's Unix security module. This is a bit dated now, but the material is interesting, and the assessment materials have some nice ideas.
Secure Software Design and Programming: Class Materials by David A. Wheeler edit / delete
to security software-engineering teaching ... on 10 November 2017
Student Teacher Ratings: Males Are Brilliant, Females Are Bossy! edit / delete
"While many feel that students can reliably rate the quality of their teachers and that they should have a strong voice in things such as tenure, there are many studies that suggest that such ratings to evaluate teacher quality are NOT the way to go." A review of publications in this area over the last few years.
Lessons Learned from Shenzhen I/O | Probably Dance edit / delete
... which is a game about programming microcontrollers -- relating this to the real world.
to games microcontroller software-engineering teaching ... on 26 February 2017
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tasty by Adam Sampson.