The lost art of 3D rendering without shaders edit / delete

This is a great walkthrough -- wish I'd had this when I was writing similar code about ten years ago!

to 3d graphics rendering teaching ... on 26 February 2017

Software Foundations edit / delete

Practical proof in programming; based on Coq. Full text of the book available online.

to coq correctness proof teaching ... on 10 February 2017

Operating Systems edit / delete

"This directory contains some scripts of the lecture Operating Systems at the Berufsakademie Stuttgart." (Or, as we'd say, some lectures for the module &c.) Interesting in that it uses Unix v6 and the Lions book.

to operating-systems retrocomputing teaching unix ... on 24 December 2016

C and C++ Style Guides edit / delete

"This is an archive of style guides for C and C++ code. Also archived here are some documents that discuss the value and utility of style guides."

to c c++ programming style teaching ... on 14 October 2016

The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges edit / delete

"We give you problems to solve. They're derived from weaknesses in real-world systems and modern cryptographic constructions. We give you enough info to learn about the underlying crypto concepts yourself." These are really good.

to crypto security teaching ... on 14 October 2016

Praxis LIVE edit / delete

Processing-style live coding environment. This'd be a fun tool to use for teaching CMP103...

to graphics live-coding programming software teaching ... on 14 October 2016

Scott's Bass Lessons - YouTube edit / delete

Some interesting tips here.

to bass guitar music teaching ... on 10 October 2016

Education and Discrimination - Anne Boring edit / delete

"This paper uses a unique database from a French university to analyze gender biases in student evaluations of teachers (SETs). The results of generalized ordered logit regressions and fixed-effects models suggest that male teachers tend to receive higher SET scores because of students' gender biases."

to evaluation gender survey teaching ... on 19 April 2016

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