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The lost art of 3D rendering without shaders edit / delete
This is a great walkthrough -- wish I'd had this when I was writing similar code about ten years ago!
A Guide to Undefined Behavior in C and C++, Part 1 – Embedded in Academia edit / delete
A good overview for students.
to c cmp201 correctness language-design safety teaching undefined-behaviour ... on 10 February 2017
Software Foundations edit / delete
Practical proof in programming; based on Coq. Full text of the book available online.
to coq correctness proof teaching ... on 10 February 2017
Operating Systems edit / delete
"This directory contains some scripts of the lecture Operating Systems at the Berufsakademie Stuttgart." (Or, as we'd say, some lectures for the module &c.) Interesting in that it uses Unix v6 and the Lions book.
to operating-systems retrocomputing teaching unix ... on 24 December 2016
C and C++ Style Guides edit / delete
"This is an archive of style guides for C and C++ code. Also archived here are some documents that discuss the value and utility of style guides."
to c c++ programming style teaching ... on 14 October 2016
The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges edit / delete
"We give you problems to solve. They're derived from weaknesses in real-world systems and modern cryptographic constructions. We give you enough info to learn about the underlying crypto concepts yourself." These are really good.
Processing-style live coding environment. This'd be a fun tool to use for teaching CMP103...
to graphics live-coding programming software teaching ... on 14 October 2016
Scott's Bass Lessons - YouTube edit / delete
Some interesting tips here.
Teaching cybersecurity to criminologists – Bentham's Gaze edit / delete
Not unlike our DADA module.
Education and Discrimination - Anne Boring edit / delete
"This paper uses a unique database from a French university to analyze gender biases in student evaluations of teachers (SETs). The results of generalized ordered logit regressions and fixed-effects models suggest that male teachers tend to receive higher SET scores because of students' gender biases."
to evaluation gender survey teaching ... on 19 April 2016
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tasty by Adam Sampson.