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6.037 - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs edit / delete
"This fast-paced course covers the material in the classic book Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs — a class previously known at MIT as 6.001."
to programming scheme sicp teaching ... on 19 April 2016
VisUAL - A highly visual ARM emulator edit / delete
"VisUAL has been developed as a cross-platform tool to make learning ARM Assembly language easier." From Imperial.
to arm assembler programming teaching visualisation ... on 28 February 2016
Classic Papers in Programming Languages and Logic edit / delete
to language-design reading-list teaching types ... on 22 January 2016
Ulix OS -- The Literate Operating System edit / delete
As it says. Reading the papers suggests that it's a very incomplete implementation of Unix, unfortunately.
to literate-programming os teaching unix ... on 31 December 2015
Learning Haskell as a Nonprogrammer | SuperGinBaby edit / delete
to functional haskell programming teaching ... on 07 June 2015
A one week flipped learning environment to introduce Object Oriented Programming edit / delete
"This post describes a teaching activity that is run for the Cardiff MSc. programmes. The activity is revolves around a two day hackathon that gets students to use Python and object oriented programming to solve a challenge. The activity is placed within a flipped learning environment and makes use of what I feel is a very nice form of assessment (we just get to know the students)."
to assessment flipped oo python teaching ... on 28 March 2015
Copy, Shake, and Paste: Homebrew Collusion Detection edit / delete
Scanning for plagiarism (or, rather, repeated text, which I guess would also catch things like university boilerplate as well) in a large corpus of theses.
to academia plagiarism research teaching text ... on 13 March 2015
Software Carpentry edit / delete
Programming for scientists. Their Python tutorials are interesting, although (for my purposes) I prefer the older, more general ones.
to programming python science teaching ... on 05 March 2015
Bertrand Meyer's technology+ blog » Blog Archive » Lampsort edit / delete
"Leslie Lamport likes to use the example of non-recursive Quicksort. Independently of the methodological arguments, his version of the algorithm should be better known." This is a nice bit of proper computer science: the basic idea is to describe Quicksort in terms of sets of objects that have yet to be sorted (i.e. sort of the same way you usually describe pathfinding algorithms like A*).
to algorithms cs sorting teaching ... on 18 January 2015
C3TV - Hacking Ethics in Education edit / delete
"At the University of Amsterdam, we have started an ethical committee for the System and Network Engineering Master." Interesting to me because I run the ethics committee for the department I'm in at work (and we're about to pick up a load of security-related student projects). I suspect a follow-up presentation next year might be more interesting, though, since it sounds like they didn't have any ethics framework in place before (?! -- how on earth do they do funded projects?). Comprehensible in audio only.
to academia ccc ethics security teaching ... on 18 January 2015
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tasty by Adam Sampson.