Why King George III Can Encrypt edit / delete

Coming up with better metaphors for how PGP signing and encryption works, and then *actually evaluating how effective they are with users*. The short answer: key/lock, seal/imprint. And tell a story about them.

to cryptography encryption gpg metaphors papers pgp security teaching ... on 18 January 2015

Why I no longer contribute to StackOverflow — Michael T. Richter edit / delete

"There's an old cliché in English: give a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. StackOverflow is filled to the brim with people giving fishes. The people asking are learning nothing useful beyond the shortest of the short terms and the people teaching are not helping in any but the most trivial of ways." Yes. I haven't quite got to the point of telling students to ignore the StackOverflow forums -- but I do see an awful lot of bad advice that students have found there.

to programming teaching web ... on 18 January 2015

Decline in CS in Scottish Schools: CAS-Scotland 2014 Report #CSEdWeek | Computing Education Blog edit / delete

The analysis here is a bit off, but the report is interesting reading.

to academic admissions cs school scotland teaching ... on 05 January 2015

36-350, Statistical Computing, Fall 2013 edit / delete

Programming course for people who know some statistics already.

to maths programming r statistics teaching ... on 03 October 2014

A kind of worked examples for large classrooms | Computing Education Blog edit / delete

Using short code examples to explore variety in teaching; I could see this working well for some of the stuff I teach in AG0700. Note link to material. I also liked the suggestion for a more affordable (although less trendy) alternative to clickers.

to fyp programming teaching ... on 24 August 2014

Brainy Gamer: Unplayable edit / delete

Comments on getting a games class to play Ultima IV. Lots of other interesting posts about teaching classic games on here too.

to games retrocomputing teaching ultima ... on 26 July 2014

The next generation of Python programmers [LWN.net] edit / delete

Some useful links on teaching programming using Python.

to python teaching ... on 01 July 2014

About Opencast | Opencast Community edit / delete

Open-source tools for lecture recording.

to audio matterhorn recording teaching video ... on 17 June 2014

The best way to win an argument « Mind Hacks edit / delete

The power of explanation. "The results were clear. People who provided reasons remained as convinced of their positions as they had been before the experiment. Those who were asked to provide explanations softened their views"

to psychology teaching ... on 04 June 2014

Andy Thomason - game programming lecture notes edit / delete

(Via his build system presentation at EuroLLVM.) This is for a much shorter course than ours, but it's a really nice overview -- he packs a lot of content in here.

to games teaching ... on 28 April 2014

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