[ih] early networking: "the solution" edit / delete

Jack Haverty on the invention of the IPv4 checksum algorithm.

to checksum history ip networking ... on 17 October 2024

Multicast traffic % in enterprise network ? edit / delete

A 2018 perspective on multicast deployment from BBC R&D.

to ag0907 bbc media multicast networking ... on 04 September 2018

Gaffer On Games | Gaffer On Games edit / delete

Many of the articles here are about developing network game architectures and protocols; well worth reading through for CMP303/501 students.

to ag0907 games networking programming ... on 04 September 2018

netsniff-ng toolkit edit / delete

Various low-level packet tools -- I found this while looking for tunnelling systems based on NaCl.

to crypto ecc nacl networking packet security tunnel ... on 18 October 2016

Samy Kamkar - pwnat: NAT to NAT client-server communication edit / delete

Hole-punching by forged ICMP. Neat, and the paper does have some description of how well it works in practice.

to firewall hole-punching icmp nat networking proxy ... on 14 October 2016

WireGuard: fast, modern, secure VPN tunnel edit / delete

VPN protocol based on Noise and straightforward public/private key mappings -- I rather like this design.

to crypto networking noise security vpn ... on 15 September 2016

yarrick/pingfs: Stores your data in ICMP ping packets edit / delete

"pingfs is a filesystem where the data is stored only in the Internet itself, as ICMP Echo packets (pings) travelling from you to remote servers and back again."

to cute-code filesystem fuse networking ... on 04 September 2016

titus - Totally Isolated TLS Unwrapping Server edit / delete

This has some nice examples of good practice in privilege separation. (Pity it's written in C++!)

to networking privilege-separation security software tls ... on 28 February 2016

ShadowM's Q-Link Page edit / delete

Resurrecting Quantum Link by reconstructing the server.

to c64 networking quantumlink retrocomputing ... on 22 January 2016

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