63 Chinese Cuisines: the Complete Guide edit / delete

An excellent illustrated overview of different cuisines across China. I was able to identify a couple of dishes I've had in China that I didn't know the name of before through this - very helpful.

to china food ... on 10 December

Tetsugakudou Ramen: A Bowl of Black Magic edit / delete

A Justin Hall article that I often find myself reminded of, about his favourite ramen restaurant.

to food japan ramen ... on 10 December

Food History Jottings: Some Early Bakewell Pudding Recipes edit / delete

It appears that the Bakewell pudding rapidly achieved international fame...

to bakewell cooking food pudding ... on 28 January 2018

Lupe Pintos - Mexican and World Foods edit / delete

With Edinburgh and Glasgow branches. They do tomatillos, so I could finally give that chile verde recipe a try... one to remember next time I'm travelling!

to food ingredients mexico recipes shopping tex-mex ... on 22 March 2015

Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow-Torches edit / delete

"Strawberry Pop Tarts may be a cheap and inexpensive source of incendiary devices. Toasters which fail to eject Pop Tarts cause the Pop Tarts to emit flames 10-18 inches in height." This was, I think, the first web site I ever searched for -- after having seen a mention of it in Wired UK, and playing with a web browser for the first time at the Live '95 show in London.

to amusements food poptart ... on 02 June 2014

feral trade courier edit / delete

Mexican hot chocolate, anyone?

to amusements art food shopping ... on 29 July 2013

The Language of Food edit / delete

Very interesting. Shame it's not been updated in a while!

to amusements cooking etymology food history language linguistics ... on 08 April 2013

Taste Fresh :: Dundee's Delicatessen in the city edit / delete

Another Dundee deli. Not been to this one yet.

to dundee food shopping ... on 24 September 2010

Home - The Cheesery edit / delete

Important note: they do gjetost.

to cheese dundee food shopping ... on 24 September 2010

Canterbury's top 10 budget eats | Travel | guardian.co.uk edit / delete

I've used the Edinburgh and Birmingham equivalents of this article, so it's interesting to see the Canterbury version to calibrate against. Good call on Supernoodles, and I've heard good things about The Farmhouse. Cafe Mauresque is more expensive and not as good as Azouma, though, and I wouldn't include the Goods Shed (which I've also not been terribly impressed by) in a list of *budget* eats!

to canterbury food restaurants reviews ... on 08 December 2009

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