Brutman.Com edit / delete

The author of mTCP, a lightweight TCP/IP stack for early PCs. Being able to run an FTP server on my AT definitely beats moving files around on floppies! (And was about the best way to rescue the existing contents of the hard disk.)

to msdos networking pc retrocomputing tcpip ... on 13 September 2015

Projects edit / delete

A variety of electronics projects. I liked the blinking Ethernet loopback cable.

to electronics networking reverse-engineering ... on 07 June 2015

Electronic Warfare BBS edit / delete

A list of Fidonet-like networks.

to bbs fidonet networking retrocomputing ... on 07 June 2015

QuakeWorld by John Carmack edit / delete

Early discussion about QuakeWorld's network protocols.

to ag0907 games latency multiplayer networking quake ... on 03 May 2015

Donald MacKenzie · Be grateful for drizzle: High-Frequency Trading · LRB 11 September 2014 edit / delete

"Lasers are the latest tool for high-frequency trading: the fast, entirely automated trading of large numbers of shares and other financial instruments." A nice layperson's description of an application where latency *really* matters.

to ag0907 latency networking trading ... on 05 March 2015

apenwarr/sshuttle edit / delete

A VPN system that works over TCP without TCP-over-TCP problems. On the local machine, a transparent proxy and some firewall rules to rewrite outgoing traffic to it; the transparent proxy reassembles TCP streams, and feeds the data over a multiplexed ssh link to a proxy running on another machine. Neat. It doesn't currently have an option to use SSH's built-in SOCKS support, though -- and it would be cool if it could be made to use an arbitrary SOCKS proxy (e.g. Tor's).

to networking reassembly ssh tcp tcpip transparent-proxy vpn ... on 18 January 2015

C3TV - Cyber Necromancy edit / delete

The 31C3 presentation on reverse-engineering Metal Gear Online. You need to watch the video for this one.

to ag0907 ccc games mgo networking p2p reverse-engineering security ... on 18 January 2015

Home · esp8266/esp8266-wiki Wiki edit / delete

The ESP8266 is a very cheap microcontroller-onna-board with proper wireless networking and a TCP/IP stack. Most people seem to hook it up to another microcontroller, but you can run code on the ESP8266 itself; this site has cross-development tools and documentation. (Although it's only IPv4 at the moment, so it wouldn't be very useful for sensor apps on my home network as-is.)

to cross embedded esp8266 microcontroller networking programming wireless ... on 18 January 2015

[SaveMGO] Tactical Revival Action edit / delete

Reverse-engineering the server for Metal Gear Online 1/2 -- there was an excellent presentation about this at 31C3 that explained how they did it. It's a peer-to-peer game, so the server actually isn't too complicated. AG0907 students will probably find it interesting to see what a real-world matchmaking protocol looks like.

to ag0907 games mgo networking p2p reverse-engineering security ... on 18 January 2015

Vulnerability: Infiltrating a network via Powerline (HomePlugAV) adapters - edit / delete

Attacking HomePlugAV devices (not all of them, but a large subset). It's a key distribution problem.

to crypto homeplugav networking security ... on 18 January 2015

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