SparkFun Electronics - LED Matrix - Dual Color - Medium edit / delete

The LED matrices Matt bought. Very pretty.

to display electronics led matrix shopping ... on 17 July 2009 ยป MAX6960 LED Display edit / delete

With level-shifting, power supply, and breakout boards for the chips...

to arduino electronics led matrix research ... on 09 July 2009

QuickView - MAX7219, MAX7221 Serially Interfaced, 8-Digit, LED Display Drivers edit / delete

Drive an 8x8 LED matrix over SPI (or a similar protocol). Available in a 5V, 40-pin DIP version. There's also the MAX6960, which can do multicolour displays but needs 3.3V and is only available in fiddly-to-solder packages.

to electronics led matrix research ... on 09 July 2009

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