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Knowledge, Internet, Payment, & Security References, Anne & Lynn Wheeler edit / delete
Archived newsgroup posts from Anne and Lynn Wheeler.
to news retrocomputing retrotech text ... on 02 March 2007
Todo.txt - Task tracking for command line lovers edit / delete
Another set of scripts for managing to-do list text files. Nice to see I'm not the only person who's done this! (Next up, the text-based calendaring system...)
Unicode 3.2 test page edit / delete
Or "how to make Firefox choke a bit while rendering".
My Wandering Wiki: MultiMarkdown edit / delete
A Markdown parser (in Perl) that can generate output in other formats -- including parsing the sort of headers that we already use for OEPs.
StringTemplate Template Engine edit / delete
A templating engine for Java, Python and C#. This'd be easy to bind into rawdog.
to python rawdog software templating text ... on 12 March 2006
Python: module tex_wrap edit / delete
Python implementation of the TeX line-breaking algorithm.
to python software tex text typography ... on 13 January 2006
Amar Sagoo - Tofu edit / delete
Mac program for rendering text nicely. Now, a free version of this, using the TeX hyphenation algorithm...
to font software text typesetting typography ... on 31 December 2005
Package for automatically drawing ASCII art using Emacs.
PlasticBoy ยป Markdown Vim Mode edit / delete
Markdown syntax for VIM.
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- text | |
2 | + academia |
1 | + adventure |
1 | + ag0700 |
1 | + algol |
1 | + alpha |
1 | + amiga |
1 | + amusements |
2 | + ascii |
1 | + ascii-art |
1 | + benchmarking |
1 | + blending |
1 | + cairo |
1 | + character |
1 | + css |
1 | + cyoa |
1 | + demoscene |
1 | + design |
3 | + editing |
1 | + editor |
2 | + emacs |
1 | + encodings |
1 | + firefox |
3 | + font |
1 | + font-size |
3 | + fonts |
1 | + formatting |
1 | + games |
1 | + gamma |
3 | + graphics |
1 | + grep |
1 | + history |
1 | + html |
1 | + if |
1 | + language |
1 | + latex |
2 | + markdown |
1 | + markup |
1 | + news |
1 | + nlp |
1 | + oep |
1 | + opengl |
1 | + patent |
1 | + pc |
1 | + performance |
1 | + perl |
1 | + plagiarism |
1 | + publication |
4 | + python |
1 | + rawdog |
3 | + rendering |
1 | + research |
3 | + retrocomputing |
1 | + retrotech |
2 | + search |
9 | + software |
1 | + stemming |
1 | + teaching |
1 | + templating |
1 | + tex |
1 | + tips |
1 | + to-package |
1 | + todolist |
1 | + typesetting |
3 | + typography |
1 | + unicode |
1 | + unix |
1 | + vi |
2 | + vim |
1 | + web |
2 | + wiki |
tasty by Adam Sampson.