Planets, feeds and blogs | Flameeyes's Weblog edit / delete

A review of rawdog! I've fixed some of the things he complained about since then (e.g. it's in Git now) -- but there's definitely stuff for the to-do list here.

to rawdog reviews rss software ... on 13 March 2015

mjibson/goread edit / delete

Feed reader in Go. If I were ever to rewrite rawdog in Go, this would have the start of the feed parsing support (although it's not as sophisticated as feedparser).

to feed go rawdog rss ... on 14 December 2013

moogle edit / delete

Joe's curses-based RSS frontend. It'd be pretty straightforward to make this use rawdog rather than Google Reader (and since it's in Python, it could just call into rawdog directly).

to aggregator rawdog rss software ... on 30 October 2010

Jinja Template Engine edit / delete

Fancy templating system for Python. This'd be worth hooking into rawdog, since it's quite a bit more powerful than the Vellum system (it's more or less at m25's level).

to python rawdog software templating ... on 28 December 2008

feedfinder: Find the Web feed for a Web page edit / delete

The new home of feedfinder.

to rawdog rss software ... on 02 September 2007

StringTemplate Template Engine edit / delete

A templating engine for Java, Python and C#. This'd be easy to bind into rawdog.

to python rawdog software templating text ... on 12 March 2006

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- rawdog
1 + aggregator
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1 + go
2 + python
1 + reviews
4 + rss
5 + software
2 + templating
1 + text