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Useful information (lists of packet nodes, etc.).
GM3WOJ contents page edit / delete
Interesting bits on building amplifiers, and how to properly maintain crank-up antenna towers (it's remarkably complicated).
to amateur amp electronics hf mechanica radio retrotech rf ... on 11 April 2011
Electronics tech in a chemistry department with an impressive collection of old radio gear. Lots of pictures, schematics, etc.
Glen's Home Page edit / delete
Including investigations into multiturn loops. (Aegis on #hamradio.)
Homebrewing for the higher bands.
to amateur electronics microwave radio ... on 27 February 2011
Converting CB radios for use on various amateur bands (not just 10m -- he walks through a conversion for 4m!).
to amateur cb electronics hf radio vhf ... on 23 January 2011
A (relative) local with lots of VHF-and-higher information.
to amateur electronics eme microwave radio vhf ... on 16 January 2011
The Four Metres Website - Home edit / delete
Lots of useful resources for the low VHF bands.
Extremely silly homebrew.
to amateur amusements electronics radio ... on 12 December 2010
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tasty by Adam Sampson.