retro-b5500 - Emulator and operating environment for the Burroughs B5500 - Google Project Hosting edit / delete

Boots the OS and runs compilers, etc. -- very slowly, since it's written in Javascript!

to b5500 burroughs emulation javascript retrocomputing ... on 17 January 2014

Live Programming, Walkabout.js edit / delete

"I’m proposing to do [generative testing] at the scale of an application, not a routine; to define inputs as any non-deterministic query or listener; and to define failure as some inline assertion error or warning." In Javascript.

to javascript live-programming software teaching testing ... on 01 December 2013

866522 – Bookmarklets affected by CSP edit / delete

The bug that's just caused me to have to write a Firefox extension (they've broken the one thing that I actually want to use Javascript for). It's surprisingly easy to write an extension, but it still results in a 180K .xpi rather than a single-line bookmarklet...

to bookmarklet csp firefox javascript mozilla ... on 13 August 2013

Undum – A client side framework for hypertext interactive fiction games edit / delete

I've played a few games built with this -- it can be very effective.

to games if javascript software ... on 11 July 2013

SAE - Scripted Amiga Emulator edit / delete

OK, this is just getting silly now -- an Amiga emulator in JavaScript.

to amiga emulation javascript retrocomputing ... on 29 May 2013

asm.js edit / delete

A subset of Javascript designed for compiling C-like languages to (in terms of operations on byte arrays). There's then a marker that a sufficiently smart JIT can look for in order to know it's working with the subset and generate better code. This is both horrible and pretty neat at the same time...

to backend compiler javascript vm web ... on 02 April 2013 edit / delete

Various experiments in IF storytelling -- mostly Javascript now.

to adventure games if javascript software storytelling ... on 11 February 2013

Home · kripken/emscripten Wiki · GitHub edit / delete

Compiles LLVM output to Javascript. Claims to achieve about 25% the speed of native code, which is pretty impressive. Javascript Transterpreter, anyone?

to compiler javascript llvm software ... on 28 July 2012

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