Floppy Disk Preservation Project edit / delete

Copy protection for various 80s/90s platforms.

to floppy piracy retrocomputing ... on 23 January 2016

countercomplex: Some deep analysis of one-line music programs. edit / delete

viznut's collection of one-line music. Very impressive.

to audio chiptune cute-code demo demoscene glitch music retrocomputing ... on 22 January 2016

Plogue R&D: Plogue livenes edit / delete

Playing live music on the NES sound chip... by changing one bit at a time! Somewhat reminiscent of viznut's one-liners.

to chiptune music nes performance retrocomputing ... on 22 January 2016

2600 Connection edit / delete

Various "how to play arcade games" books; also includes Warren Robinett's history of 2600 Adventure, which is very interesting.

to 2600 adventure atari games history retrocomputing ... on 22 January 2016

HP Memory Project edit / delete

The history of the Hewlett-Packard company, with lots of interesting documents (e.g. the internal newsletters from various eras).

to electronics history hp retrocomputing retrotech test-equipment ... on 22 January 2016

PK-FPGA edit / delete

Recreating the 1801-based BK series of computers. The forum has lots of useful info,

to 1801 fpga pdp11 retrocomputing soviet ... on 22 January 2016

Tim's Homepage edit / delete

Floppy emulator, RAM expansion and network interface for Amigas using an FPGA, and some UKNC reverse-engineering. Includes a picture of how to mount the odd Russian chips with staggered rows of pins.

to 1801 amiga electronics fpga retrocomputing retrotech soviet ... on 22 January 2016

proj:bk:1801vm-series [vak.ru] edit / delete

Some information about the 1801 series, especially the boot process.

to 1801 pdp11 retrocomputing ... on 22 January 2016

ShadowM's Q-Link Page edit / delete

Resurrecting Quantum Link by reconstructing the server.

to c64 networking quantumlink retrocomputing ... on 22 January 2016

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