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Copyright Does Not Exist edit / delete
A pretty interesting overview of Nordic scene culture in the 90s.
to culture cyberpunk demoscene digital-rights history retrocomputing ... on 28 February 2016
Compucolor II Tribute edit / delete
Early micro with a colour display. This is a really interesting hardware design, with an unusual disk interface (abusing the test mode of a TI serial chip!) and Teletext-style graphics. Includes a Javascript emulator and a collection of disk images.
to compucolor emulation floppy retrocomputing ... on 27 February 2016
Warren Spector - lectures - YouTube edit / delete
Long-form oral history interviews with game developers. Doing this as a lecture is an interesting idea.
to games history interview retrocomputing ... on 08 February 2016
"The text mode art preservation network". With Amiga and PC collections.
to amiga ascii demoscene pc retrocomputing text ... on 08 February 2016
Computer and coding books from Usborne Publishing edit / delete
More specifically, PDFs of most of the 80s books they published. I've got a few that aren't on here, but it does include my favourite, "Write Your Own Adventure Programs". Which I did!
to 80s basic etext games retrocomputing software usborne ... on 06 February 2016
megatron-uk/INMOS-Link-Driver: Updated INMOS Transputer link driver model for Linux Kernel 3.x.x edit / delete
Should you need to use a B004 board from Linux...
to driver inmos linux retrocomputing transputer ... on 03 February 2016
Understanding and Writing Compilers edit / delete
Richard Bornat's 1979 book on writing compilers. Substantially more accessible than the dragon book. The examples are mostly in BCPL, which (as usual) I'm dead impressed with; for a typeless language it's very clean and clearly suited to the purpose.
to bcpl compiler etext parsing retrocomputing syntax ... on 26 January 2016
Hardcore Gaming 101 - Blog: Over 1800 Atari VCS games trawled for hidden stuff! edit / delete
Apparently quite a few 2600 games include chunks of source code -- or other data, e.g. Apple or Atari ROMs -- in their cartridge image, presumably for the same reason that the Amiga Kickstart disk did. Interesting in itself, but it also reveals what development systems were being used.
to 2600 apple2 atari800 games retrocomputing ... on 24 January 2016
Amiga FPGA Accelerators edit / delete
That's one way to speed up an Amiga -- replace the CPU with a big FPGA! The A600 version has launched at €150.
to accelerator amiga fpga retrocomputing ... on 24 January 2016
Kweepa/vicdoom: Doom for the VIC-20 edit / delete
Very impressive!
to commodore doom games retrocomputing vic20 ... on 24 January 2016
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tasty by Adam Sampson.