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Index: if-archive/phoenix/games/source edit / delete
"This directory contains the source code for games written on the Phoenix system at Cambridge University, England." Acheton et al.
to cambridge games if retrocomputing software source ... on 19 March 2016
Sock Master's Tandy Color Computer 3 Page edit / delete
Some interesting homebrew for the CoCo3 -- traditional demo effects, a Wolf3D-style raycaster, a port of arcade Donkey Kong...
to 6809 coco games retrocomputing software tandy ... on 19 March 2016
exxos Atari Pages edit / delete
Comprehensive collection of Atari ST software (including coverdisks, PD disks and pirated game intros), and hardware mods for the ST.
to atari coverdisks pd piracy retrocomputing software st ... on 16 March 2016
:: CASA :: Pirate Byte edit / delete
"The December 1980 issue of Byte Magazine contained the full TRS-80 BASIC source code of Pirate Adventure, written by Mr. Scott Adams and his wife Alexis". Scans of the articles.
to adventure if retrocomputing scott-adams software source trs80 ... on 16 March 2016
Unix Heritage Wiki edit / delete
"This wiki aims to collect the available historical documents and recollections of Unix into one central place so they can be studied by researchers and Unix enthusiasts alike."
to bell history os-design retrocomputing unix ... on 16 March 2016
Commentary on the Sixth Edition UNIX Operating System edit / delete
The text of the Lions book, electronically. (Did you know there's also a Lions commentary on the PCC backend?)
to history lions pdp11 retrocomputing unix ... on 16 March 2016
DTACK GROUNDED Archive edit / delete
"The Journal of Simple 68000 Systems".
to 68000 cpu electronics motorola retrocomputing ... on 03 March 2016
Ways to implement computer algebra compactly edit / delete
How to write a very, very small computer algebra system. From the author of "Derive", "muMath", "Calculus Demon" and other pioneering examples of fitting very complicated things into tiny spaces.
to algebra amusements cute-code maths retrocomputing ... on 01 March 2016
The Infocom Cabinet: Binders and Folders of Infocom, Inc. (1981-1987) : Free Software : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive edit / delete
Huge collection of Infocom internal documentation. Fascinating reading.
to games history if infocom retrocomputing ... on 28 February 2016
"So.... with a little time and a little Teensy microcontroller I can now record and display the assembler code running on the 6502 CPU." I have a student doing this as a project (for a different CPU) at the moment...
to 6502 microcontroller retrocomputing ... on 28 February 2016
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tasty by Adam Sampson.