Atari - Best Electronics Home edit / delete

Spare parts for Atari machines. My 800 needs a new keyboard at some point! Apparently they were a very big buyer of Atari surplus in the 80s and 90s...

to 2600 atari atari800 retrocomputing surplus ... on 22 January 2016

A bit more about me edit / delete

A computer collection including (nearly?) every model of PS/2, with pictures. I don't find these machines very exciting, but this is certainly a useful spotter's guide...

to dec ibm ps2 retrocomputing vax ... on 11 January 2016

Olde Skuul edit / delete

Rebecca Heineman's collection of old game source code; mostly Apple II.

to apple apple2 games retrocomputing source ... on 11 January 2016

Norbert's Emulators edit / delete

Some amazing emulation feats. PDP-8 emulator for the Atari 800? (Real) Asteroids for the Plus/4? Atari Calculator for the C64? Very neat.

to arcade atari c64 emulation games pdp8 plus4 retrocomputing ... on 07 January 2016

Tek 1720 - Trammell Hudson's Projects edit / delete

Some Tek vectorscopes can apparently be used as X-Y vector monitors...

to graphics oscilloscope retrocomputing tek test-equipment vector ... on 01 January 2016

Welcome to the retro cracking, warez and art underground - Defacto2 edit / delete

Intros and other ephemera for 80s/90s cracked software. PC focus, though.

to cracking demoscene intro pc retrocomputing ... on 31 December 2015

De Re Atari edit / delete

The semi-official programmer's guide to the Atari 8-bit machines. The most interesting chapter these days is Chris Crawford's one on how to actually make good games.

to 6502 atari atari800 retrocomputing ... on 31 December 2015

The Infocom Cabinet: Binders and Folders of Infocom, Inc. (1981-1987) : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive edit / delete

Fascinating stuff -- I found the testers' comments the most interesting.

to games if infocom retrocomputing ... on 28 November 2015

Lo-tech 8-bit IDE Adapter rev.2 - edit / delete

Homebrewable IDE adaptor for early PC hardware. Fortunately the ancient hard disk in my AT still works...

to electronics hard-disk ide isa pc retrocomputing ... on 20 November 2015

GUE - Home edit / delete

Information about early home computer software -- mostly IF or adventure-game related, mostly American. Includes scans of feelies, etc.

to adventure games if retrocomputing ... on 20 November 2015

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