keendreams/keen · GitHub edit / delete

Source code for one of the Commander Keen games. The nice thing is that they've found several versions and imported the history into Git properly.

to games id keen pc retrocomputing software source ... on 20 September 2014

Hawk/Ftwalk: Home edit / delete

A crossbreed of awk and find, with a more powerful language behind it. This is a pretty nice design, although thoroughly eclipsed by Perl.

to awk find ftwalk hawk language-design perl software ... on 25 August 2014

tmk/tmk_keyboard · GitHub edit / delete

Open-source AVR firmware for keyboards. I keep meaning to convert the Heath keyboard that I've got sitting around...

to avr electronics firmware input keyboard microcontroller ps2 software usb ... on 25 August 2014

What is good video editing software on Linux? - Linux FAQ edit / delete

Overview of NLE and related software. It's been a few years since I've needed to look at this stuff; I should package some of these.

to editing multimedia nle open-source software video ... on 24 August 2014

XOWA: Main Page edit / delete

"XOWA is a free, open-source application that lets you download Wikipedia to your computer."

to mirroring software wiki wikipedia ... on 24 August 2014

xiaq/elvish · GitHub edit / delete

A pretty fancy shell written in Go.

to go shell software unix ... on 24 August 2014

chfoo/wpull · GitHub edit / delete

wget-like tool written in Python.

to mirroring python software to-package web wget ... on 23 August 2014

Index of /~plonka/headers edit / delete

Tool for automatically emitting #includes for POSIX functions that have been used (which was on my ideas list).

to c ideas include posix software ... on 23 August 2014

Computer Archeology edit / delete

Reverse-engineering arcade and 8-bit games. The level of detail here varies quite a bit, but some of the articles are very interesting.

to arcade assembler games retrocomputing reverse-engineering software ... on 23 August 2014

Whoosh 2.5.6 documentation — Whoosh 2.5.6 documentation edit / delete

Python library for building free-text search engines. This looks pretty comprehensive.

to python search software text ... on 22 July 2014

Browser bookmarks: tasty+ | tasty= Log in | Export | Atom

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3 + zx81