Historic card games described by David Parlett edit / delete

"These pages [...] present (a) histories of classic games such as Poker and Euchre and (b) details of historic games, such as Gleek and Quadrille, that are now only museum pieces." Lots of interesting stuff here.

to amusements card games history tabletop ... on 12 September 2017

Letters for digits in UK telephone numbers edit / delete

How were STD codes assigned to UK telephone exchanges originally? It turns out they were in alphabetical order...

to exchange history phone retrotech std uk ... on 12 September 2017

Oboe Classics - Geoffrey Burgess on the Oboe as the Custodian of Orchestral Pitch edit / delete

Why orchestras tune to the oboe, and what they've actually been tuning to over time. (They suggest that if you've got a recording at an unknown speed, assuming A=440Hz is actually not a bad idea.)

to history music oboe orchestra retrotech tuning ... on 12 September 2017

Sound on Sound's "Classic Tracks" | MetaFilter edit / delete

List of all the articles. Fascinating reading!

to audio history mixing music recording retrotech ... on 13 May 2017

Account of the Skerryvore lighthouse - Stevenson, Alan edit / delete

Having recently read "The Lighthouse Stevensons", here's Alan Stevenson's book. Well worth flipping through -- even if just for the diagrams!

to engineering history lighthouse retrotech ... on 06 April 2017

The 100 Most Influential Singles of the 1960s - Rate Your Music edit / delete

From one of the Metafilter music people. Very opinionated. Lots of interesting stuff here, though.

to 1960s history music recording rock ... on 05 April 2017

Proposed Electronic Calculator, by Alan Turing (48 pp.) undated edit / delete

Proposal for what became the ACE, circa 1945. Among many other things, this introduces the BURY and UNBURY opcodes (which these days we'd call PUSH and POP) and their application in function linkage.

to ace architecture electronics history retrocomputing turing ... on 05 April 2017

the Nothing itself nothings edit / delete

Assorted interesting stuff on game history and rendering technology.

to 3d games graphics history retrocomputing ... on 26 February 2017

Home | www.missing-episodes.com edit / delete

"This Forum is for the discussion of, and research in to the gaps in the British Television & Radio archives."

to broadcast history missing radio tv uk ... on 26 February 2017


Most interesting for the lists of oddities -- e.g. the numbers that Roger Waters shouted during the Animals tour...

to bootleg concert history music pink-floyd prog ... on 26 February 2017

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