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rarepinkfloyd [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Accueil edit / delete
"Le Wiki des documents inédits ou rares du groupe Pink Floyd."
to history music pink-floyd prog ... on 26 February 2017
ROTWSI (Remains Of The Welsh Slate Industry) edit / delete
"[...] a personal collection of photographs covering various remains of the slate industry in North and Mid Wales." Surrounding Ffestiniog and Talyllyn.
to festiniog history mining rail retrotech slate wales ... on 11 January 2017
The history of twentieth-century Scottish safecracking. (The author is skeptical about John Ramensky's exploits.)
to crime folk-song history ramensky scotland security ... on 11 January 2017
The Lost Media Wiki edit / delete
"This wiki is a community passion project where we detail and attempt to track down (at least, in most cases) pieces of lost or hard to find media; whether it be video, audio or otherwise (of either a fictional or non-fictional nature), if it's completely lost or simply inaccessible to the general public, it belongs here." More of the "obscure episode of this 1980s cartoon" genre.
to broadcast games history lost media retrocomputing software tv ... on 31 December 2016
SAILDART Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab DART Archive edit / delete
"This is an archive of the first Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory derived from its final backup tapes." Run SAIL and various applications in a browser.
to ai dec history pdp10 retrocomputing sail stanford ... on 14 December 2016
"Card Games and Tile Games from around the World." The subtitle undersells this; this site is extraordinarily comprehensive, with all sorts of games, variants, descriptions of types of cards, etc. etc.
"Welcome to the Unix Tree. Here you can browse the source code and manuals of various old versions of Unix." A lower-tech version of DDS's Git repo.
to digital history pdp11 retrocomputing unix ... on 11 October 2016
Friends of Williamson's Tunnels | est. 1996 edit / delete
"The Williamson Tunnels are a labyrinth of tunnels and underground caverns under the Edge Hill district of Liverpool in north-west England. They were built in the first few decades of the 1800s under the control of a retired tobacco merchant called Joseph Williamson."
to architecture history liverpool subterranea tunnels ... on 08 September 2016
Maps of the UK and of the western US showing railways. All of them. That ever existed.
The Milwaukee Road edit / delete
"The Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad, commonly known as simply the Milwaukee Road, is best remembered for its Hiawatha passenger trains and electrified main line known as the Pacific Coast Extension or PCE."
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tasty by Adam Sampson.