Deinterlacing, Scaling, Processing: Classic videogame systems on LCD and Plasma screens edit / delete

Reviews of composite video decoders, from a console gaming perspective.

to interlace ntsc pal retrocomputing retrotech video ... on 17 July 2019

AB21.3.6 edit / delete

Tony Hoare's 1965 proposal for adding records to Algol. It's quite nice.

to algol cmp409 data-structures language-design retrocomputing ... on 15 January 2019

Computers I've Loved edit / delete

Life at a large American university. Much CDC stuff, some DEC, and various less common machines.

to cdc dec pdp10 retrocomputing ... on 10 December 2018

The Story of Infocom edit / delete

Written for an MIT module. Some details I hadn't seen before.

to games history if infocom mit retrocomputing zork ... on 04 November 2018

RISC_OS_Dev edit / delete

A port of RiscOS to run as a Linux userspace process. This is a horrible hack and also pretty neat.

to acorn linux os retrocomputing riscos ... on 02 November 2018

The Mercenary Site edit / delete

I remember reading reviews of these 3D adventure games in Amiga magazines. Some day I ought to play some of them...

to 3d amiga games mercenary retrocomputing ... on 24 October 2018

The Golden Age Arcade Historian edit / delete

Along the lines of Jimmy Maher's site, but for arcade games. Sadly no new posts since 2016.

to games history retrocomputing ... on 24 October 2018

the Belgian Amiga Club edit / delete

"In the beginning of 2018 Simon acquired the complete Amiga Floppy Disk collection of BS1 ( Bamiga Sector One ). They gathered this software +25 years ago swapping with other groups, by downloading, etcetera ... For all these years they sat on a member's attic waiting to see the daylight again and here they are."

to amiga demoscene pirate retrocomputing software ... on 24 October 2018

John "Chucky" Hertell | Just another WordPress site edit / delete

Reverse-engineering Amiga hardware - for example, he's done a replacement PCB for damaged A1200s, and guides for upgrading various 68040 accelerator boards to 68060s. Very impressive!

to accelerator amiga electronics m68k repair retrocomputing ... on 24 October 2018

Palestinian Arab Artist Samia A. Halaby, Born in Jerusalem edit / delete

I like her Amiga-based generative art -- does a lot with relatively simple code.

to amiga art cute-code generative retrocomputing ... on 24 October 2018

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