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iPhone 3D Programming edit / delete
I have no particular interest in Apple-proprietary development of any kind, but the material on 3D maths and OpenGL here is good.
to 3d graphics maths opengl programming ... on 10 August 2010
ROOT | A Data Analysis Framework edit / delete
Exactly what you want if you're throwing around enormous amounts of physics data. I wonder if there might be complex systems uses for some of their cool visualisation stuff? (Also: implemented in C++, with a C++ interpreter provided for scripting!)
to c++ data-analysis graphics science simulation statistics visualisation ... on 10 August 2010
ITK - Segmentation & Registration Toolkit edit / delete
Open source toolkit for partitioning 3D space (e.g. CT scanner output).
to 3d ct graphics modelling segmentation simulation software space ... on 10 August 2010
Gamma error in picture scaling edit / delete
Probably worth adding to my "how not to scale images" page...
A library for doing simple graphics on top of OpenGL; not a million miles away from rastergraphics. (Unfortunately, this appears to be somewhere around the Arduino level of code quality, including typos in the API...) Probably useful in the future.
to graphics simulation software visualisation ... on 24 June 2010
TikZ and PGF | TeXample.net edit / delete
Plenty of TikZ examples, including several process-diagram-ish ones. Some day in the future, when I get around to producing a process-oriented-LaTeX package...
to graphics tex tikz typesetting ... on 01 May 2010
OGRE – Open Source 3D Graphics Engine edit / delete
Cross-platform (and cross-3D-library) games engine. This might be useful for CoSMoS visualisations.
Mandelbulb: The Unravelling of the Real 3D Mandelbrot Fractal edit / delete
Quite pretty.
to 3d fractal graphics mandelbrot ... on 21 November 2009
freedesktop.org DisplayLink Wiki - FrontPage edit / delete
Open-source library to drive DisplayLink USB video devices. This would be worth investigating for my desk at work, and for RMoX...
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tasty by Adam Sampson.