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OpenGL Programming Guide (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company): Table of Contents edit / delete
Not quite as good as a paper copy, but useful nonetheless.
to graphics opengl programming ... on 22 September 2010
OpenGL Tutorials edit / delete
The lighting tutorial's pretty good -- although I wish they'd tested the code, since it's full of typos!
OpenGL FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide edit / delete
Good -- but ten years out of date.
OSDL - SDL corner - Using OpenGL with SDL edit / delete
Lots of useful information, but this is a set of tips rather than an introduction, so go elsewhere first.
to graphics opengl programming sdl software ... on 16 September 2010
A good introduction (i.e. better than SDL's own documentation) to the OpenGL-inside-SDL interface.
to graphics opengl programming sdl software ... on 16 September 2010
Basic OpenGL Lighting. edit / delete
Useful introduction to GL lighting. Doesn't stop it being completely insane, but at least it makes a bit more sense now.
Welcome To Opticks - Opticks - Opticks Wiki edit / delete
A tool for viewing very big remote-sensing images -- such as satellite photos.
to cartography graphics photography remote-sensing satellite software ... on 13 September 2010
smallpt: Global Illumination in 99 lines of C++ edit / delete
Very cute!
Old School Color Cycling with HTML5 | EffectGames.com edit / delete
Some very impressive colour-cycling artwork. I love the rippling water! (Also: what took *no* CPU time on an Amiga now takes 90% of the CPU of my 2.4GHz P4. We've come such a long way, backwards.)
to graphics html javascript retrocomputing ... on 19 August 2010
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tasty by Adam Sampson.