gtk-vector-screenshot edit / delete

Exactly what the name suggests. Very neat!

to graphics gtk software toolkit ... on 22 July 2011

Treatise on Font Rasterisation edit / delete

Good overview of what you need to do to get font rendering reasonably correct. The lesson, approximately, is that most of the suite gets it right by default these days.

to fonts graphics rendering text ... on 29 May 2011

Procedural City, Part 1: Introduction - Twenty Sided edit / delete

Building a procedurally-generated city. Good overview; worth pointing students at.

to ag0803 city graphics opengl procedural teaching ... on 21 May 2011

Common Mistakes - edit / delete

Worth pointing out as a resource to students. (I found it while trying to solve a texturing problem a student was having.)

to graphics opengl teaching ... on 27 April 2011

GRASS GIS - The World Leading Free Software GIS edit / delete

Very comprehensive mapping and visualisation suite. Worth investigating further.

to gis graphics maps ... on 28 February 2011

Cinder | The library for professional-quality creative coding in C++ edit / delete

A more sensible-looking Processing-ish library on top of C++. Currently in need of a port to free operating systems...

to art graphics opengl software visualisation ... on 04 February 2011

Programming with OpenGL: Advanced Rendering edit / delete

Very rapid overview of lots of cool stuff to do with OpenGL. The section on volumetric rendering is good, but mostly as a list of terms to search for elsewhere...

to 3d graphics opengl programming visualisation volumetric ... on 22 September 2010

Volume Rendering edit / delete

Good overview of basic volumetric rendering techniques.

to 3d graphics opengl programming visualisation volumetric ... on 22 September 2010

Voreen - Volume Rendering Engine edit / delete

Very pretty! Worth looking at in more detail.

to 3d graphics software visualisation volumetric ... on 22 September 2010

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