LucidScience - LAZARUS-64 Electronics Projects, Plans, Schematics and Source Code. edit / delete

Discrete logic graphics card. This is very similar to the one I built for my Z80 machine -- but his does colour!

to electronics graphics logic retrocomputing ... on 02 May 2012

unpaper 0.3 edit / delete

Tool for correcting scanned images. We should stick the INMOS compiler writer's guide through this.

to graphics scan software to-package ... on 12 March 2012

brainwagon » Making some wallpaper with the sum of cosines… edit / delete

I should get the 0700 students to do this kind of thing.

to ag0700 cute-code graphics hacks ... on 03 December 2011

PyXPlot - A data processing, graph plotting and vector graphics suite edit / delete

Looks like a decent replacement for gnuplot. I find it entertaining that this has a similarly misleading name -- gnuplot isn't a GNU program, and PyXPlot isn't Python-based!

to chart graph graphics software visualisation ... on 15 October 2011

hge-unix edit / delete

An open-source 2D games engine. This looks pretty neat, much along the lines of the internal stuff we use at Abertay for teaching games programming -- good for student projects?

to 2d ag0801 engine games graphics software teaching ... on 23 August 2011

Monitor calibration and gamma edit / delete

Gamma calibration charts of a type I'd not seen before. Seems to work.

to gamma graphics monitor ... on 17 August 2011

The ryg blog edit / delete

"A trip through the graphics pipeline."

to ce0813 gpu graphics hardware ... on 15 August 2011

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