Inside the Fender Vibratone edit / delete

A Leslie designed for guitarists.

to amplifier audio guitar leslie retrotech ... on 18 July 2016

The Dragon's Lair Project edit / delete

Emulation of LaserDisc games.

to arcade emulation games laserdisc retrotech ... on 01 May 2016

Popular Electronics Magazine edit / delete

All SWTPC (of later home computer fame)'s Popular Electronics projects. Includes several generations of a neat transistor amplifier project, and other standard 70s audio fare. The guitar amp stuck out as one worth cribbing ideas from (e.g. the tone controls which I've never got right on my practice amp...).

to amplifier audio electronics hifi retrotech swtpc ... on 01 May 2016

Hi-Fi, DIY Projects edit / delete

60s/70s audio projects -- mostly amplifiers and mods to them -- from Hi Fi News and similar magazines.

to amplifier audio electronics etext hifi retrotech ... on 18 April 2016

Vintage Cassettes edit / delete

"Here you will find the beatiful pictures of sealed compact casettes. Cassettes from 1970-1990 are covered the most." Pretty comprehensive -- but unfortunately the "sealed" thing makes it not very useful for dating a cassette...

to cassette recording retrotech tape ... on 12 April 2016

David Hembrow - Hi-Fi Pages. Reviews, Articles, Ideas etc. edit / delete

Some reviews of hi-fi components. The Arcam NICAM tuner is an interesting (and now completely useless) device...

to audio hifi retrotech reviews ... on 31 March 2016

Nitrate Film Interest Group | Flickr - Photo Sharing! edit / delete

A project to identify unlabelled films -- with a remarkable amount of success. Plus the screenshots are interesting to look through.

to film history media retrotech ... on 19 March 2016

Global Mariner edit / delete

Lots of pictures of ships from the 1950s-1970s -- everything from enormous tankers down to Chinese junks.

to history maritime retrotech ships transport ... on 16 March 2016

Taybus Vintage Vehicle Society edit / delete

If you see a suspiciously old bus around Dundee, it's probably this (Arbroath-based) society...

to bus dundee history retrotech transport ... on 16 March 2016

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