Rail Map online edit / delete

Maps of the UK and of the western US showing railways. All of them. That ever existed.

to history maps rail retrotech ... on 05 September 2016

The Milwaukee Road edit / delete

"The Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad, commonly known as simply the Milwaukee Road, is best remembered for its Hiawatha passenger trains and electrified main line known as the Pacific Coast Extension or PCE."

to america history rail retrotech ... on 28 August 2016

Briarsfield Hi-Fi - Projects page edit / delete

Advice on restoring various kinds of vintage hi-fi equipment.

to audio electronics hifi repair retrotech ... on 27 August 2016

Organs and organ music for church, home and theater. A reference source by Colin Pykett edit / delete

Lots and lots of articles on (mostly English church) organs, organ technology and organ tuning.

to church electronics history music organ retrotech temperament tuning ... on 27 August 2016

Electrokinetica - Welcome edit / delete

London-based electromechical technology museum: they collect and restore things like generator sets and lifts. I came here via the excellent section on Compton church organs (the British equivalent of Hammond, using interestingly different technology).

to compton electric electronics history london museum organ retrotech ... on 27 August 2016

Jaeger-LeCoultre Mark 11 Tracking Page edit / delete

"G6B/346 172/53" is the watch in William Gibson's "All Tomorrow's Parties". I wonder if the owner is Gibson himself...

to retrotech watch william-gibson ... on 27 August 2016

Marvin Jones edit / delete

Schematics for various 70s synths.

to audio electronics retrotech synth ... on 27 August 2016

Index of /leslie_kits edit / delete

Manuals for all the Leslie hookup kits, past and present. Most of these have schematics. This was invaluable when connecting my Hammond L-100 (circa 1965) and Leslie 2101 (circa 2005) -- Suzuki T/A Hammond do make a kit for that, and the schematic's here...

to audio electronics hammond leslie organ retrotech ... on 27 August 2016

Captain Foldback's Hammond and Leslie Page! edit / delete

Everything you could possibly want to know about Leslie speakers: pinouts, schematics, comprehensive model lists, etc. etc.

to audio electronics hammond leslie organ retrotech ... on 27 August 2016

Erik Baigar's Home-Page edit / delete

Reverse-engineering antique aircraft electronics -- including the CPU of the Tornado radar system, and a most impressing moving map display.

to aviation electronics retrocomputing retrotech reverse-engineering ... on 27 August 2016

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