How to Make Zuse's Z3 a Universal Computer edit / delete

As it says -- bearing in mind that the Z3 was effectively a four-function calculator with an instruction tape, this is an interesting proof.

to computation maths papers retrocomputing z3 zuse ... on 12 March 2012

A Hash Function for Hash Table Lookup edit / delete

Actually quite a lot of them.

to data-structures hash maths programming ... on 27 February 2012

Gnuplot tricks edit / delete

Doing *really* silly things with gnuplot.

to gnuplot graphing maths statistics visualisation ... on 29 September 2011

Gnuplot tricks: Basic statistics with gnuplot edit / delete

Doing silly things with gnuplot. I'm not really convinced that any of this is a good idea.

to gnuplot graphing maths statistics visualisation ... on 29 September 2011

Programmers Need To Learn Statistics Or I Will Kill Them All edit / delete

This is fantastic. My students'll be getting a link to it next year, along with Susan's presentation along similar lines.

to benchmarking maths statistics teaching ... on 25 June 2011

hobbyutil - Project Hosting on Google Code edit / delete

Another misccode-like collection, with a mathematical/engineering bent.

to engineering maths misccode software ... on 26 February 2011

Bob Jenkins' Web Site edit / delete

Good material on simple hash functions and PRNGs, and how to test them.

to crypto hash maths random software ... on 30 October 2010

Eureqa | Cornell Computational Synthesis Laboratory edit / delete

Using evolutionary techniques, derive equations automatically from raw data.

to analysis data-mining maths science software ... on 16 September 2010

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