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A well-organised collection of mathematical proof tricks -- e.g. if you're trying to prove that two things are equal, or prove for all X, then this provides a collection of techniques you can use. If it had names it'd be a pattern catalogue.

to maths patterns proof ... on 20 February 2013

UB CSE Department: Kenneth W. Regan edit / delete

Some interesting material on statistical detection of cheating in chess -- for example, showing how a human player can actually achieve a very good match to a computer player entirely by accident, because of heavily-constrained paths in the game tree.

to cheating chess games maths statistics ... on 20 February 2013

bugman123.com - Paul Nylander’s Web Site edit / delete

Mathematical art of various kinds -- e.g. a good section on 3D fractals. But the gear art is also pretty neat.

to 3d art fractals gears graphics maths ... on 14 February 2013

34s:start [HP Calculator Wiki] edit / delete

Alternative firmware for current(-ish) HP calculators to reproduce the RPN experience.

to calculator firmware hp maths rpn ... on 03 January 2013

算盤 ABACUS: MYSTERY OF THE BEAD - Abacus instructions manual. Learn how to use abacus. edit / delete

It's that thing about data structures being more important than algorithms again. (Want to know how to compute the magnitude of a vector using an abacus? Instructions here.)

to abacus algorithms maths ... on 07 December 2012

Notes on Diffy Qs: Differential Equations for Engineers edit / delete

As it says. Useful reference.

to calculus differential maths numerical ... on 25 November 2012

Relatively Prime edit / delete

Interesting stuff -- and all the raw interviews too. (Which found a bug in my podcast reader...)

to maths podcasts ... on 12 November 2012

Cryptography and Braid Groups edit / delete

Handy list of references.

to braid crypto maths research ... on 07 November 2012

Liquid Asset edit / delete

"Article 1: by Richard E. Quandt on statistical methods for analyzing blind wine tastings", and similar articles on practical applications of various statistical methods to competitions. Not at all what I was looking for (stats for benchmarking), but useful nevertheless.

to competition maths statistics wine ... on 16 October 2012

xianyi/OpenBLAS · GitHub edit / delete

A newish BLAS implementation that should be much less of a pain to build than ATLAS (although it suffers from insane Makefile syndrome at the moment).

to blas libraries maths software to-package ... on 18 September 2012

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