Software | Andreas Klöckner's web page edit / delete

Lots of software related to scientific computing, and in particular doing high-performance stuff with code generation and GPUs. There's also a particle simulation engine and various other fun toys here.

to c++ gpu maths python scientific software ... on 31 August 2010

Welcome — Theano v0.1 documentation edit / delete

Python maths library that uses a number of tricks to speed up operations: CAS techniques to rewrite equations, runtime code generation, GPU bindings...

to cas compiler gpu maths numeric python ... on 31 August 2010

iPhone 3D Programming edit / delete

I have no particular interest in Apple-proprietary development of any kind, but the material on 3D maths and OpenGL here is good.

to 3d graphics maths opengl programming ... on 10 August 2010

The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Welcome! edit / delete

Neat. Distinctly lacking in Kent people at the moment...

to academia cs history maths phd ... on 30 May 2010

Internet Archive: Free Download: Songs and fables. Illus. by F.B edit / delete

By William Rankine. Filk from 1874, including a song about imperial units to the tune of The Lincolnshire Poacher.

to filk history maths music physics ... on 23 August 2009

Yet another RNG - sci.stat.math | Google Groups edit / delete

TRH's recommendation for a PRNG with 16-bit output -- although this one has more than 16 bits of internal state.

to maths random ... on 19 August 2009

Stochastic Calculus edit / delete

Mostly interesting to me for the old radio and Tektronix scopes bits.

to electronics maths oscilloscope radio retrotech statistics ... on 29 July 2009

The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes | Lambda the Ultimate edit / delete

The handy paper explaining why the sieve isn't quite what you think it is.

to eratosthenes functional maths primes programming sieve ... on 27 July 2009 edit / delete

Mike Cowlishaw -- the guy behind Rexx, various decimal arithmetic stuff, and some early Acorn notes.

to acorn fp language-design maths retrocomputing rexx ... on 21 June 2009

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