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Amiga Juggler Animation edit / delete
How it was made, and a Javascript port of the original code.
to 3d amiga graphics history javascript raytracing retrocomputing ... on 03 May 2015
Lou's Pseudo 3d Page edit / delete
How to draw roads in 80s-style driving games. Very comprehensive.
to games graphics programming retrocomputing road ... on 16 March 2015
Amiga Graphics Archive edit / delete
"This site is dedicated to graphics made with or for the Commodore Amiga home computer." Nice gallery of OCS/ECS game artwork.
to amiga art games graphics retrocomputing ... on 05 March 2015
demosthenes.info – css edit / delete
How to do various things with CSS. I found the earlier articles more generally useful (i.e. relying less on features only found in modern browsers).
to css graphics style web-design writing ... on 20 January 2015
Quake on an oscilloscope: A technical report edit / delete
Turning Quake into a vector game. Very neat!
to 3d games graphics quake scope test-equipment vector ... on 19 January 2015
Whiteboard Picture Cleaner - Shell one-liner/script to clean up and beautify photos of whiteboards! edit / delete
"This simple script will take a picture of a whiteboard and use parts of the ImageMagick library with sane defaults to clean it up tremendously. [...] convert "$1" -morphology Convolve DoG:15,100,0 -negate -normalize -blur 0x1 -channel RBG -level 60%,91%,0.1 "$2""
to graphics image-processing imagemagick photo whiteboard ... on 24 August 2014
random thoughts: Dissecting the 128-byte raycaster edit / delete
Very neat.
to cute-code demo graphics raycasting raytracing ... on 01 July 2014
The XPL0 Programming Language edit / delete
Pascal-like language with some fun graphics demos.
to graphics language-design programming software xpl0 ... on 12 February 2014
HBC-00013: Highway 4k by ½-bit Cheese & Tekotuotanto :: pouët.net edit / delete
4k Javascript/OpenGL/GLSL demo. The "making of" document's very interesting, and includes the original source.
to ag0700 demo graphics javascript opengl ... on 18 January 2014
direct to video | Just another WordPress.com weblog edit / delete
Real-time graphics techniques from a demoscene perspective -- including the NumbRes demo.
to demos graphics raytracing real-time shader ... on 14 December 2013
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tasty by Adam Sampson.