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ZC1 HF WW2 Radio edit / delete
New Zealand's WW2 forces radio, including early FM experiments.
to electronics radio retrotech ... on 07 May 2011
GM3WOJ contents page edit / delete
Interesting bits on building amplifiers, and how to properly maintain crank-up antenna towers (it's remarkably complicated).
to amateur amp electronics hf mechanica radio retrotech rf ... on 11 April 2011
Some interesting military radios.
to electronics military radio retrotech ... on 27 March 2011
Eddystone User Group edit / delete
Interesting restoration articles.
to eddystone electronics radio restoration retrotech ... on 27 March 2011
Electronics tech in a chemistry department with an impressive collection of old radio gear. Lots of pictures, schematics, etc.
Lots of random electronics: radio, including an unusual loop antenna; simple computer designs; why ECL should have beaten TTL; and various other bits.
to antenna computer ecl electronics loop radio retrocomputing retrotech ttl ... on 30 January 2011
PSRM Frequently Asked Questions edit / delete
Notable for the article on how to start an oil-fired locomotive, should I ever need to do so.
Bellrock.org.uk : Welcome edit / delete
The lighthouse near Arbroath. Good articles about how it was built.
to architecture building dundee history lighthouse retrotech ship ... on 30 January 2011
Clint's Page (KA7OEI) edit / delete
Radio restoration, building a simple PSK beacon with a microcontroller, and other radio-related stuff.
to amateur beacon electronics microcontroller psk radio retrotech ... on 20 November 2010
Frank Dörenberg's Ham & Web radio page edit / delete
The section on Hellschreiber is the most interesting: very detailed description of how the machines work, with lots of photos.
to electronics radio retrotech ... on 20 November 2010
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tasty by Adam Sampson.