The Sproutie MK II HF Regen Receiver | Dave Richards AA7EE edit / delete

A very impressive shortwave receiver, using an HRO-style tuning control, a regenerative frontend and a load of multistage audio filters.

to electronics ham hf radio receiver regen shortwave ... on 23 September 2015

Satellitenwelt - Transit 5B-5 der wahrscheinlich älteste aktive Satellit edit / delete

Launched in 1964, and still happily transmitting telemetry.

to history radio retrotech satellite vhf ... on 23 March 2015

Mark Vernon :: Meagre Resource :: Sound Artist edit / delete

"Mark Vernon is a sound artist and radio producer based in Glasgow, Scotland." With various downloadable stuff -- I've been enjoying the documentaries on mid-20th-century tape recording clubs.

to art audio documentary history radio retrotech tape ... on 22 March 2015

Minima -A general coverage transceiver edit / delete

From the designer of the BITX transceiver: a multiband SSB radio built from common parts with clever use of a microcontroller. The mixer design is particularly neat.

to amateur amplifier electronics hf lpf microcontroller mixer radio ssb transceiver ... on 22 March 2015

Radio Channel292 International Broadcasting Shortwave Kurzwelle Rundfunk Sender Sendezeit - Home edit / delete

A group of German radio enthusiasts who bought one of the frequencies that Deutsche Welle used to use -- lots of pirate-inspired stuff on here. (Formerly "Radio 6150".)

to broadcast hf pirate radio shortwave ... on 14 March 2015

Filters - OpenRadioMiniconf edit / delete

Building HF transmitter filters using air-cored coils, wound on a pencil. This is surprisingly effective!

to amateur coil electronics filter hf inductor lpf radio transmitter ... on 14 March 2015

AM/FM / TX Magazine / Radio Today - the eighties London pirate radio site edit / delete

"For three years in the eighties, TX Magazine catalogued the growth of London's pirate radio stations and the fight for a free radio alternative to the bland pop and chatter of the BBC and Independent Local Radio." Radio Jackie et al.

to 80s history london pirate radio ... on 13 March 2015

Cheap RF - a low cost open source 802.15.4 platform edit / delete

"The CC2533 sends and receives 802.15.4 packets at 2.4GHz, there's hardware support for AES-128 encryption, an 8051 CPU and the usual collection of SoC devices uarts/spi/i2c/gpios/timers etc." With SDCC-based toolchain and libraries.

to electronics embedded low-power microcontroller radio ... on 22 January 2015

WiFi Over Coax edit / delete

Adding 2.4GHz networking to an existing home TV distribution system using diplexers. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that this works -- the coax will be very lossy at 2.4GHz, but the SNR should be good...

to networking radio tv wifi wireless ... on 18 January 2015

Amplitude Demodulating BPSK31 | Analog Zoo edit / delete

Since PSK31 is both phase- and amplitude-modulated, you can completely ignore the phase modulation and just envelope-detect it!

to digital-modes electronics ham modulation psk31 radio ... on 03 January 2015

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