Systems Programming at Twitter edit / delete

Scala, futures, and functional composition.

to concurrency network programming scala software-engineering web ... on 30 April 2014

About - Project Euler edit / delete

A graded series of maths problems for programmers to try out. Students looking for some programming problems might like to try this.

to ag0700 ag0803 maths programming teaching ... on 28 April 2014

Cryptography Coding Standard edit / delete

Patterns for secure cryptographic software (e.g. same comparisons).

to cryptography patterns programming safety security ... on 27 April 2014

The XPL0 Programming Language edit / delete

Pascal-like language with some fun graphics demos.

to graphics language-design programming software xpl0 ... on 12 February 2014

The Descent to C edit / delete

An excellent overview of what makes C (and the C subset of C++) an unusual programming language. Students: well worth a read.

to ag0700 ag0803 architecture c language-design programming teaching ... on 10 February 2014

ScoopexUs - YouTube edit / delete

The demoscene group -- with a series of video tutorials on Amiga graphics programming.

to amiga demos programming retrocomputing ... on 19 January 2014

Simon Tatham - Adages edit / delete

Some XP-style programming adages.

to ag0700 amusements patterns programming teaching ... on 14 December 2013

Programming from Memory | Academic Computing edit / delete

"So I started out with an idea that we program primarily by reasoning, but now I’m wondering if reasoning is actually more of a beginner’s tool, and experts program primarily from memory (and thus faster). If so, perhaps that is why experts often find it hard to teach beginners, because they follow a different mental process?" Some refs to chase.

to comp-ed fyp programming teaching ... on 14 December 2013

FrontPage - parasail edit / delete

"ParaSail is a new parallel programming language designed to support the development of inherently safe and secure, highly parallel applications that can be mapped to multicore, manycore, heterogeneous, or distributed architectures."

to language-design parallel parasail programming ... on 14 December 2013

Why Bloom filters work the way they do | DDI edit / delete

Good explanation of Bloom filters. (This'd be a nice example of a data structure to explain for FYP.)

to bloom data-structures fyp hash programming ... on 14 December 2013

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