Computational Theology : Weblog edit / delete

The more interesting question, I feel, is whether it'd be possible to use a process-oriented approach for building web apps, where you have channels to and from the user, and your code to interact with a single user is a process. Something to play with in

to concurrency continuations design language programming research web ... on 20 May 2006

The Thousand Nights and a Night edit / delete

Various translations thereof. Very comprehensive, and the forewords are worth reading.

to amusements books etext fiction language ... on 14 May 2006

A Philosophical Grammar of Ithkuil, a Constructed Language edit / delete

A really neat -- if incredibly complicated -- design for a conlang.

to conlang language ... on 27 March 2006

Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 hours edit / delete

A Haskell tutorial that starts with "hello, world" and builds up to a Scheme subset interpreter. Fun -- "Haskell for real apps".

to haskell language research teaching ... on 27 March 2006

Pnuts User's Guide edit / delete

A scripting language for the Java VM. Apparently very fast.

to design java language programming research ... on 10 March 2006

Squawks of the Parrot: Variables and threads edit / delete

About the choice of mutable vs. immutable data for concurrent languages.

to concurrency language programming research ... on 01 March 2006

A Brief Look at C++0x edit / delete

Features that will apparently be coming to the next version of C++. Absolutely horrific, but I guess that's to be expected...

to c++ language programming research ... on 19 February 2006

Squawks of the Parrot: Functions and subs in a threaded world edit / delete

"What if function and subroutine calls all spawned off their own threads and ran independently?" Reinventing the occam model again (as someone points out in the comments).

to concurrency language programming python research ... on 16 February 2006

My Python 4k edit / delete

Some language suggestions for Python, a few of which I agree with.

to language programming python research ... on 16 February 2006

KrazyDad » Blog Archive » Processing as a first language, compared to Flash edit / delete

Using the Processing language (which is designed for doing arty stuff, but is pretty neat in itself) for teaching programming.

to graphics java language processing research teaching ... on 16 February 2006

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