STOICAL - STack Oriented Interactive Compiler Adapted to Linux edit / delete

A STOIC-inspired language. Has some concurrency features.

to design language programming ... on 13 August 2006

A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia edit / delete

Extremely random.

to amusements english language ... on 13 August 2006

Notes_on_IMP_Programming edit / delete

The Edinburgh IMP programming language (which is somewhere between Fortran and C). The "mapping functions" feature is interesting.

to design language programming research retrocomputing ... on 03 August 2006

Pliant - release 96 edit / delete

The bizarre but quite interesting Pliant language and system.

to language os programming research ... on 31 July 2006

Categorical list of programming languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia edit / delete

One of those surprisingly interesting pages that turns up from time to time on Wikipedia: programming languages by (fairly odd) category. Includes a helpful list of concurrent languages.

to concurrent language programming research ... on 31 July 2006

Pluvo Programming Language edit / delete

A slightly-Python/Rubyesque language with dynamic binding, prototypes, and a fairly neat syntax.

to compiler design language python research ... on 03 July 2006

Sage: A Programming Language with Hybrid Type-Checking edit / delete

A functional language with a type system that lets you say things like "X is a balanced tree". Might be worth borrowing some ideas from for concurrency safety checks using a type system.

to concurrency design language programming research types ... on 07 June 2006

Bluish Coder: Javascript 1.7 edit / delete

Or possibly "Javascript the ultimate occam". ;)

to design javascript language research ... on 05 June 2006

Factor programming language edit / delete

A FORTH-style language with Lisp data types. Interesting, although I'm not convinced I'd actually want to program in it.

to design factor forth functional language lisp research ... on 20 May 2006

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