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Teaching critical thinking | PNAS edit / delete
"In our study, students in the experiment condition were explicitly instructed to (and received grades to) quantitatively compare multiple collected datasets or a collected dataset and a model and to decide how to act on the comparisons." This would be an interesting way to teach performance measurement in CMP201...
to cmp201 critical-thinking science statistics teaching ... on 04 November 2018
abseil / C++ Tips of the Week edit / delete
Bite-sized advice on modern C++, from developers at Google. Feels much like the old C++ FAQ Lite entries. Worth a look for CMP201 students.
to c++ cmp201 generics language-design programming templates ... on 25 October 2018
N4455 No Sane Compiler Would Optimize Atomics edit / delete
"Compilers do optimize atomics, memory accesses around atomics, and utilize architecture-specific knowledge. This paper illustrates a few such optimizations, and discusses their implications."
to atomic cmp201 compiler optimisation ... on 11 September 2018
p1v0t/Sort: Implementation of some of comparison based sorting algorithms edit / delete
... in the style of qsort.
to algorithms cmp201 sorting ... on 06 January 2018
Algorithms for making more interesting mazes edit / delete
Nicely related to graph algorithms. CMP201 students will probably find this interesting!
to algorithms cmp201 games graph maze ... on 06 April 2017
"A qp trie is like a crit-bit trie (aka patricia trie) except each branch is indexed by a few bits at a time instead of one bit. The array of sub-tries at a branch node is compressed using the popcount trick to omit unused branches." I'm thinking about teaching crit-bit tries in CMP201 next year...
to cmp201 data-structures trie ... on 06 April 2017
A Guide to Undefined Behavior in C and C++, Part 1 – Embedded in Academia edit / delete
A good overview for students.
to c cmp201 correctness language-design safety teaching undefined-behaviour ... on 10 February 2017
Searching using A* (A-Star) edit / delete
to algorithms astar cmp201 pathfinding ... on 17 December 2016
Accidentally Quadratic edit / delete
"I started this blog because over my career so far as a software engineer, I’ve kept personally running into software that was slow, and wondering why. And when I had time to point a profiler at them and debug the slowness, I would very often discover quadratic behavior, which could usually be drastically improved to linear, with just a little work."
to algorithms cmp201 complexity performance programming ... on 27 November 2016
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- cmp201 | |
5 | + algorithms |
2 | + astar |
1 | + atomic |
1 | + c |
1 | + c++ |
1 | + compiler |
1 | + complexity |
1 | + correctness |
1 | + critical-thinking |
1 | + data-structures |
3 | + games |
1 | + generics |
1 | + graph |
1 | + gta |
2 | + language-design |
1 | + maze |
1 | + optimisation |
2 | + pathfinding |
2 | + performance |
2 | + programming |
1 | + random |
1 | + reverse-engineering |
1 | + safety |
1 | + science |
1 | + sorting |
1 | + statistics |
2 | + teaching |
1 | + templates |
1 | + testing |
1 | + trie |
1 | + undefined-behaviour |
tasty by Adam Sampson.