Dick Moore edit / delete

GPS-disciplined oscillators, upgrading classic Heathkit test equipment, etc.

to audio electronics gps heathkit oscillator test-equipment time ... on 28 May 2013

Tronola DIY Electronic Projects and More edit / delete

Everything from building a solid-state RAM board for a PDP-8 to upgrading a bunch of classic American hifi amplifiers. Interesting.

to amplifier audio electronics retrocomputing test-equipment ... on 28 May 2013

Spectrum Tools edit / delete

Includes very pretty waterfall graphs. Worth stealing for an SDR project?

to graph radio sdr software spectrum test-equipment visualisation ... on 15 October 2012

ZL2PD Digital HF Antenna Analyser edit / delete

Another DIY antenna analyser.

to antenna electronics radio test-equipment ... on 06 August 2012

Pacific T.V. Online Tube Catalog edit / delete

A valve supplier -- but notable also for their collection of schematics, which includes things like VTVMs.

to electronics radio shopping test-equipment valve ... on 02 May 2012

The Curious C-Beeper edit / delete

A capacitance meter with an audible output. Lots of alternative uses suggested.

to electronics test-equipment ... on 04 March 2012

Aerial Analyser Details edit / delete

In terms of features, pretty much a DIY MFJ-259 -- but built entirely out of common components, and including source code for the microcontroller.

to amateur analyser antenna electronics hf radio test-equipment ... on 27 February 2012

Hughski - ColorHug edit / delete

Open-source colourimeter. (Colorimeter? Dunno.) Interesting, although not working on CRTs is a pain.

to calibration colour monitor test-equipment video ... on 27 February 2012

Dave Partridge's Web Site edit / delete

Homebrew Tek add-ons.

to electronics tek test-equipment ... on 13 February 2012

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