Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP edit / delete

Headphone crossfeed simulator library. This'd probably be useful to bind into potamus.

to audio headphones software ... on 22 October 2006

Scanning the 'waves with your TV card edit / delete

Patched driver for SAA7134-based TV cards to let you tune arbitrary frequencies.

to drivers radio software ... on 15 October 2006

DAT Audio on DDS Drives edit / delete

Includes wdat, a bit of Linux software that actually works with my SDT-9000.

to audio dat scsi software ... on 09 October 2006

read_dat edit / delete

Linux sg program to read audio DATs in appropriate DDS drives.

to audio dat software ... on 06 October 2006 - About Stackless edit / delete

Variant of Python with lightweight threads. (Unfortunately, it doesn't build with GCC 4.1.)

to concurrency python research software ... on 24 September 2006

Welcome to Eclim edit / delete

VIM bindings to the Eclipse backend (rather than embedding VIM in Eclipse).

to editing programming software vim ... on 08 September 2006

The Silver Bullet edit / delete

Found this via metafilter pointing and laughing, but it sounds like the author's trying to reinvent process orientation...

to amusements concurrency research software ... on 08 September 2006

DOAP: Description of a Project edit / delete

RDF vocabulary for describing software. It might be interesting to use this to describe misccode, or to export from GARstow.

to packaging rdf software ... on 01 September 2006

WWWpic2 - A web server in a PIC edit / delete

Tiny implementation of an HTTP/TCP stack on a PIC. Free software.

to electronics embedded networking software ... on 13 August 2006

SHRDLU edit / delete

The classic AI natural-language application. Includes LISP source.

to ai history lisp retrocomputing software ... on 13 August 2006

Browser bookmarks: tasty+ | tasty= Log in | Export | Atom

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