A Memory Allocator edit / delete

Doug Lee's malloc.

to allocation research software ... on 13 August 2006

The MGR Window System edit / delete

Predates X (or at least useful X). Interesting in that all the clients run in terminal emulators, and communicate with the window system using escape codes.

to retrocomputing software windowing ... on 13 August 2006

cstream - a general-purpose streaming tool edit / delete

dd done right.

to software unix ... on 13 August 2006

Andrew Morton's Home Page edit / delete

Various bits, including hardware and software for a Unix-like 680x0 system, the DDE editor, and a C++-like language compiler.

to compiler editor embedded retrocomputing software ... on 13 August 2006

XDG Base Directory Specification edit / delete

The "new" spec for where to keep config files that XFCE and so on use.

to software standards ... on 11 August 2006

Eric's MediaMVP Linux Project Page edit / delete

Python code to talk the MythTV protocol. I've hacked this to work with the latest MythTV and to play live TV to stdout, so you can watch live TV with MPlayer.

to mythtv software tv video ... on 10 August 2006

slipgate::dosage edit / delete

Python tool for mirroring comics -- may be worth using as a backend for rsscomics.

to comics software ... on 08 August 2006

Large Graph Layout (LGL) edit / delete

to graph software ... on 03 August 2006

George Coulouris: Bits of History edit / delete

The em editor.

to editors retrocomputing software ... on 02 August 2006

Browser bookmarks: tasty+ | tasty= Log in | Export | Atom

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