PowerMail manual edit / delete

Mail "toaster" software by the PowerDNS authors. It's a pretty neat design; no fancy per-domain routing, everything's done by matching addresses.

to mail software ... on 31 July 2006

TAPESTREA : [Release] edit / delete

Some neat research software for analysing complex environmental sounds and synthesising new ones from bits of them.

to audio software ... on 30 July 2006

ElectrEm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia edit / delete

An Acorn Electron emulator with an interesting, (almost) process-oriented design which offers highly accurate emulation at the electronics level.

to acorn emulation research software ... on 17 July 2006

Acorn Arcade - Free Games edit / delete

Acorn software, including the full version of the rather wonderful Hamsters.

to acorn games retrocomputing software ... on 16 July 2006

Rumpelrausch Täips edit / delete

A free software drawbar organ emulator. Currently for VST on Windows, but porting it to JACK sounds like a fun project...

to audio organ software synth ... on 16 July 2006

Welcome to MyHDL [MyHDL] edit / delete

A tool for FPGA design in Python -- you write a Python program linking a load of generators together, and it compiles it to Verilog. Yet another nearly-process-oriented thing, but the simulation/compilation approach is neat.

to compiler fpga python research software ... on 04 July 2006

Joshyfun's Poor Man's CAM home edit / delete

A software DVB CAM implementation, with source code (in Pascal!).

to dvb software ... on 16 June 2006

Index of /eximconf edit / delete

David Woodhouse's slightly scary Exim config. Possibly useful for cribbing examples of how to do completely insane things using Exim rules from.

to exim mail software ... on 14 June 2006

Vleu.net: Shake edit / delete

A userspace defragmenter -- saves me from having to implement that idea!

to disk filesystem linux software ... on 11 June 2006

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