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Making Light: Typesetting: when it changed edit / delete
Memories of how typesetting used to work.
to printing retrotech typesetting ... on 12 December 2005
Enthusiasts trying to resurrect the 405-line TV service from Alexandra Palace.
ACP - Main index edit / delete
An interesting collection of Russian cameras and related items, with commentary.
Pocket and Portable Transistor Radios in galaxyM31.com edit / delete
Includes Japanese midget valve radios (they've even got the one Dad has).
Vintage 78s - LP & Antique 78 rpm - Old Phonograph record transfer to CD edit / delete
Lots of information about playing 78s, including the story of the HMV logo.
Hammond Novachord: an Instrument Ahead of its Time edit / delete
Possibly the first electronic synth. Sounds very nice, too.
to electronics retrotech synth ... on 08 September 2005
The history of the OSCar synth.
Early Television Foundation edit / delete
Vintage TV in the USA.
The Old Engine House Homepage edit / delete
Repairing and preserving stationary steam engines -- very Fred Dibnah.
to engineering retrotech ... on 02 August 2005
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tasty by Adam Sampson.