BBC - R&D - Publications - Archive edit / delete

The BBC technical journals, going back several decades. Lots of interesting stuff about TV and radio developments.

to bbc etext history radio retrotech tv ... on 14 May 2006

The Cartrivision Site edit / delete

The first American home VCR.

to history retrotech tv vcr video ... on 07 May 2006

Total Rewind edit / delete

A museum of obsolete home video formats. Most interesting for the collection of machines.

to history retrotech tv vcr video ... on 07 May 2006

Concertmate's website edit / delete

A band that uses domestic synthesisers. Lots of MP3 files available.

to music retrotech synth ... on 29 March 2006

Video History Project: Resources - Tools edit / delete

A (limited) history of tools for video artwork.

to history retrotech video ... on 26 March 2006

ANIMATO edit / delete

Animation, film history, and steam train building.

to animation film retrotech trains ... on 15 March 2006

Phonograph Makers' Pages edit / delete

A large collection of designs for cylinder recording players.

to audio electronics history retrotech vinyl ... on 09 March 2006

The DigiBarn Computer Museum edit / delete

Various retrocomputing stuff, including lots of documentation and stories -- I found the Homebrew Computer Club newsletters particularly interesting.

to etext history retrocomputing retrotech ... on 24 January 2006

Old Radio Broadcasting Equipment edit / delete

BBC history -- including a comprehensive historical view of Broadcasting House.

to bbc history radio retrotech tv ... on 26 December 2005

Van den Hul: Audio and Video Cable/Connector Wiring Diagrams for DIY purposes edit / delete

Various audio connector pinouts. (Mostly trivial, but the DIN description is good.)

to audio electronics retrotech ... on 20 December 2005

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