QuickView - MAX7219, MAX7221 Serially Interfaced, 8-Digit, LED Display Drivers edit / delete

Drive an 8x8 LED matrix over SPI (or a similar protocol). Available in a 5V, 40-pin DIP version. There's also the MAX6960, which can do multicolour displays but needs 3.3V and is only available in fiddly-to-solder packages.

to electronics led matrix research ... on 09 July 2009

CTools:MilepostGCC - cTuning.org edit / delete

GCC with machine-learning techniques for optimisation. This was on my ideas list a while ago...

to compiler gcc research ... on 08 July 2009

DBLP Bibliography - Home Page edit / delete

The handy DBLP mostly-complete bibliography engine that I keep forgetting to bookmark.

to bibliography research ... on 17 June 2009

Things that amuse me edit / delete

Using the high-level LLVM bindings in Haskell to compile a typed language. This is awfully cute, but I'm not sure how you'd handle a language that let the user define their own datatypes -- you'd need a Haskell-type-level representation of source-level datatype names...

to compiler haskell llvm research tock types ... on 16 June 2009

Life without Death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia edit / delete

Would be worth implementing in a lazy expanding-space system.

to ca cosmos life research ... on 16 June 2009

WebHome < HUT < TWiki edit / delete

Some interesting parser/compiler stuff for Haskell.

to compiler grammar haskell parsing research ... on 06 June 2009

Resources about threaded programming in the Bell Labs CSP style edit / delete

CSP-inspired languages at Bell Labs.

to concurrency csp newsqueak research ... on 06 June 2009

freedesktop.org - Software/libdlo edit / delete

Free client library for the DisplayLink USB graphics controllers (used in Samsung products, among others). This'd be of interest for RMoX.

to graphics research rmox usb ... on 24 May 2009

distributed systems primer :: snax edit / delete

Some basic papers on distributed programming. (Most are rather slight, though.)

to concurrency distributed message-passing research teaching ... on 05 May 2009

The SR Programming Language edit / delete

A multi-paradigm language for teaching concurrent programming. They have a generalised idea of interactions between processes which is probably worth stealing ideas from.

to concurrrency language-design research teaching ... on 02 May 2009

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